Hurryings's Staff Application


New member
What is your current IGN (in-game name)?

IGN: Hurryings

How old are you?


Are you fluent in English?

Yes, I am fluent in English

What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)?


What is your Discord & Telegram?

Discord: Hurryings
Telegram: Hurryings

Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)?

BWHub - Helper ~ 200 average players. I had the rank "Helper" and my roles & responsibilities consisted of Muting, tempbanning, and basic chat moderation. It was however over 3 years ago.

bwhub staff proof.png

I was also staff on SkyHCF. If I remember correctly we averaged ~ 100 players. I was accepted as a Moderator and my roles usually consisted of freezing players and recording proof to ban them.

My only proof of being staff is this grainy 480p youtube video as I'm fairly certain the discord doesn't exist anymore. The only proof of me being staff is a barely visible message of a helpop request in the bottom left corner. I apologize if this isn't enough proof.

Finally, I was staff on HeatHCF. I think we averaged ~ 50 players. I was also a Moderator and mostly spent time freezing players and banning them.

Why do you want to be a staff member?

I would like to become a staff member on the SagePVP network for a multitude of reasons. First of all, I understand that currently the HCF community is drastically declining and in need of assistance. My goal in becoming a staff member on SagePVP is to help mediate this slowly declining gamemode that we all know and love. Ways I would like to help with this evergrowing issue with HCF is help bring a more positive atmosphere in my approach to staffing. My desire when staffing would always be to think of the others when in situations of controversy. This includes always treating everyone with respect and putting myself into other people's shoes and consider how they feel when I'm staffing. This is something that I've always strived for not just online but also in real life. I would say that I myself am a very levelheaded and calm person who would rather resolve issue calmly and respectfully instead of hurtful words or actions. For example, One time when staffing on BWHub, I muted a player who broke the chat guidelines. That player then messaged me on discord with extremely angry messages saying that I should be demoted for being so immature and stupid. Instead of getting mad and maybe arguing back, I stayed calm and politely reminded him that he broke the rules and needed to either appeal or wait out the duration of his mute. Another example when I was staffing on BWHub was when there was some big controversy when one of the admins was demoted from his position. Me and many other staff members did not agree with this decision and all politely resigned from our positions as staff. Me and the owner who I spoke to were very respectful to each other and I had no hate toward anyone or to the server.

Another reason I would like to be staff on SagePVP is because I generally love helping people and getting to know them. Everybody is unique and I love to learn about different perspectives that everyone has. During my time online and in this community I have gotten to know and love so many amazing people and some of my fondest memories of Minecraft were had playing HCF. Also, not just online but IRL I have had many experiences where I have gotten to help people and spend the time with some of the less fortunate. Every year I try to do a little bit of service in real life. Some examples include volunteering at a nursing home, volunteering at a school of kids with behavioral issues, volunteering at preschools which are in worse areas and less fortunate, and other things of that nature. I truly enjoy sharing experiences with everybody of all backgrounds. These experiences that I've had online and in real life have helped shape me into the person I am today, somebody who sees people not just for what they are, but for who they are.

The Final reason that I would like to become a staff member on SagePVP is that I wanna gain more experiences in a leadership role. I think that in general leadership opportunities during your teen years help turn you into a successful person later in life. I am somebody who strives to do his best and learn alot along the way. I am human so I also make many mistakes. I chose to learn from those mistakes. I believe that SagePVP will help foster me in growing and learning from mistakes and realizing that everyone is at fault sometimes and deserve a chance to learn and grow.

What makes you better than other applicants?

I can think of a multitude of reasons that I would be better than other applicants. First of all, unlike many members of the HCF community, I am not very toxic. I believe this is one of the most important qualities that a staff member on an HCF server could have. In a community that is often referred to as the most toxic place on the internet, as well as plagued with doxxers, ddosers, swatters, etc. I believe that I could bring a more positive and friendly aspect to the server and just let people be themselves. Being non toxic also means I don't have a super large and inflated ego, which helps when important information needs to be relayed to me as I have time for anyone and everyone. My dms would always be open to people who need me and my only desire would be to help them to the fullest extent. Being non toxic generally brightens peoples day when a stranger on the internet is kind and hospitable to them, which would greatly improve the health of the server.

Another reason that I would stand out against other applicants is my work ethic. I've always been a very hardworking individual whether it be in school or on personal projects and passions. I always strive for greatness and take all honors/AP classes in school so I always have to work hard and spent a ton of time on that. For example, I sometimes spend 4 hours a day doing homework for school and even though it is extremely mentally draining and unfun, I always push through and complete the work well and on time. I also really enjoy spending time improving myself and learning new skills. I've played sports my whole life and always wanted to better myself and learn new tips and tricks when it came to competing. In general, I believe that I am most likely a harder worker and have a better work ethic than many applicants.

The final reason that I stand out against other applicants is because of my honestly and problem solving skills. I am and always have been a deeply honest person. I would always make sure I told people how I felt and admitted when I was at fault. I believe this is an extremely important aspect of being a staff member because it creates a safer and more cohesive staff environment when everybody is honest and truthful to one another. Being honest doesn't just include telling the truth, but doing the right thing in the first place. I always strive to do things right the first time instead of lying or cheating to see if I can squeeze my way through. Also, I have very good problem solving skills. I am able to think and have common sense in any situation and be able to know the right thing to do and how to approach it. For example, instead of jumping to conclusions and blaming people like someone else would, I would always make sure to consider every point of view and all opinions so that I could craft a well thought out and easy to understand response. I believe this is an extremely important quality of a staff member because it gives less dependency for staff managers and higher ups to have to worry about other staff messing up or causing time or money loss.

In conclusion, I believe that my lack of toxicity, work ethic, honestly and problem solving skills help me stand out from others who may be applying for a position on the SagePVP staff team.

How active can you be per day?

1-2 hours on weekdays (I absolutely jam pack my weekdays so maybe even less)

8+ hours on normal weekends (I try and leave my weekends almost entirely free)

Can any current staff members vouch for you?


Are you willing to learn to screenshare?

Yes, I think screensharing is an awesome and important skill that I would thoroughly enjoy learning.

Anything else you would like us to know?

I have had 5-6+ years of HCF experience
I'm an approachable and kind person
I would always look for betterment on the server
I learn quickly
I love talking to people
I quickdropped Jewdah on lunar prac 4 years ago


Trial Mod
Very well detailed only 2 complaints I have are you babble a little on and on about stuff none hcf related, And I personally have never seen you online.
Other than that very well done and good luck!